Our vision is to provide Awareness Interaction and Mentoring in the Sacramento area to reduce youthful violence.
Awareness to community groups, churches, and parents.
Interaction with local schools, youth organizations, the County Probation Department, law enforcement agencies, and city, county, and state governments.
Mentoring for troubled youth and intervention in high-risk relationships.

G.A.P. is a faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation under the umbrella of Victory Outreach of South Sacramento (Tax ID #94-3325226). We are dedicated to helping ‘at-risk’ youth in the Sacramento area escape violence, crime, and desperation found in their relationships and neighborhoods. We offer help to parents and guardians; and find alternatives for children to keep them from getting into trouble. These are taught by those who have learned the hard way how to make the right choices. Our desire is to reduce the endless recidivism among youth who enter juvenile incarceration in the Sacramento region by providing alternatives to finding trouble by reaching them on the ‘outs’. We have a team of men and women who will counsel them in changing their destructive lifestyle, as well as helping them grow spiritually.
Finding employment opportunities and training.
Gang prevention program–teaching them alternatives to violence, anger, crime, peer pressure, role models, and street/prison culture myths. Instructing them on facts and realities regarding victims, the law and sentencing, and generational bondage.
Fun activities–sports and artistic programs such as: technology and games education; alternative endeavors like dance, martial arts, boxing, biking, camping, and travel.
Recording Studio and concert venue.